The Link Between Obesity and Toxins
Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern; it’s a chronic disease that poses serious risks to your health. The accumulation of excess fat leads to the buildup of toxins within the body, which can trigger a cascade of health issues, including inflammation, insulin resistance, and even cardiovascular disease. At Choice Acupuncture, we believe that addressing these toxins is key to restoring your health and vitality
Rezen Detox Diet
Developed by the Korean Oriental Obesity Association, the Rezen detox diet is a scientifically-backed program designed to help your body expel toxins while promoting weight loss. The diet follows a structured regimen: The 4 stages of the Rezen Detox program are Preparation (2 days), Fasting (10 days), Recovery (3 days), and Readjustment (15 days). Allocating time and staying committed during the 10 day fasting period will maximize efficiency.
How the Rezen Detox Diet Works
Autophagy is a natural process by which the body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates new ones, playing a critical role in maintaining cellular health. During fasting, autophagy is significantly upregulated, as the body seeks out old, damaged, or dysfunctional cells to break down and use as energy. This process not only removes potential sources of disease but also promotes the regeneration of healthy cells, effectively 'resetting' the body. The 10-day fasting period in the Rezen detox diet leverages this powerful mechanism to detoxify the body and promote weight loss.
One of the common concerns during fasting is hunger. However, the Rezen supplements are specifically formulated to trick the brain into thinking you are not fasting. They supply the necessary nutrients and calories to keep you energized and satisfied, making the fasting period more manageable and effective. This approach ensures that you maintain your daily activities without the usual fatigue associated with fasting.

Preventing Side Effects with Acupuncture and Lymph Node Massage
Rapid weight loss can sometimes lead to side effects such as sagging skin and wrinkles. At Choice Acupuncture, we incorporate acupuncture and lymph node drainage massage into the Rezen detox program to help prevent these issues. These treatments support skin elasticity, improve circulation, and enhance the body’s detoxification processes, ensuring that you achieve your weight loss goals without compromising your appearance.
To ensure that your weight loss is healthy and sustainable, we use the InBody machine to track changes in your body composition throughout the Rezen detox program. This advanced tool provides detailed information on fat mass, muscle mass, and body water levels, allowing us to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. By regularly assessing your InBody results, we can help you achieve optimal results while preserving your muscle mass and ensuring that the weight you lose is primarily fat.
Benefits of the Rezen Detox Diet
Promotes blood sugar control
Cells rely on insulin to regulate how the body uses and stores glucose and fat. Individuals with insulin resistance cannot respond to insulin as they should and release more insulin than they need. This can cause symptoms like weight gain, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Several studies have shown that fasting helps reduce insulin resistance.
Reduces stress and anxiety
Fasting helps create a regular eating and sleeping schedule. This in turn helps set a regular circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that plays an important role in responding to stress. Giving your body a regular cortisol secretion rhythm will help reduce stress and anxiety.
Reduces inflammation
Giving your body a break from everyday toxins from processed foods, high amounts of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup and alcohol gives your body an opportunity to naturally remove toxins and reset its body. This will help prevent your body from reacting to inflammatory agents.
Improves skin health
Fasting improves the health of your gut. Most inflammation originates from the gut microbiome, so cleansing toxins from your gut also helps reduce inflammation in your skin, the largest organ in your body.
Effective Weight Loss
The Rezen detox diet is highly effective for those looking to lose weight quickly and safely. By promoting fat loss while preserving muscle mass, it ensures that the weight you lose is primarily from fat stores rather than muscle tissue. This leads to a leaner, healthier body composition.
Detoxification and Health Improvement
Beyond weight loss, the Rezen detox diet significantly improves your overall health by aiding in the elimination of toxins. This detoxification process can lead to better digestion, clearer skin, increased energy levels, and a stronger immune system.
Sustainable Results
The structured nature of the Rezen detox diet, with its phases of fasting and recovery, ensures that the results are not only immediate but also sustainable. By following the program correctly, you can maintain your weight loss and continue to enjoy the health benefits long after the diet is completed.
Clinical Study Analyzing Rezen Detox
A clinical study analyzing the outcomes of Rezen Detox has shown the findings listed below.
Obesity-related indicators
Participants’ average body fat loss was 9% and weight loss was 6.9%.

Metabolism-related indicators
Participants’ serum triglyceride level, a type of fat closely linked to heart and metabolic health, decreased by 39.9%, blood pressure by 8.7%, waist circumference by 8.1%, and blood glucose level by 6.8%.

Inflammation-related indicators
hs-CRP and CRP (c-reactive protein) are proteins that are released in the bloodstream in response to an inflammation. The participants’ hs-CRP and CRP levels decreased by 58.3% and 43.6% respectively. Eosinophils are white blood cells linked with allergic diseases and certain infections. Eosinophil count dropped by 21.3%. Reducing inflammation in the body helps achieve healthy and clear skin.

Nutrition-related indicators
Serum proteins like albumin and hemoglobin are used as nutritional markers in laboratories. Participants’ albumin level rose by 6.6% and hemoglobin level rose by 4.0% even while fasting.